Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ode to my Popeye's

Ode to My Popeye's by "Hot" Chik-Fil-A

One last time before it was done,
I went through the drive thru - my favorite one.
You could smell the delicious fragrance from blocks away
...chicken, fried chicken...the perfect way to end the day.

As I savored every bite, I realized this would be the last,
Just a few more days before we enter our fast.
What if it works and I never eat chicken again?
Had to make this trip count. Sorry to say the chicken did win.

It was fresh and crispy, just the way I like.
Even the biscuits and sides tasted just right.
For a second I paused for all the good years
that Popeye's and I have tenderly shared.

Well, that last run is over and June lies ahead,
on to tofu and beans and whole wheat instead.
But just for a second I had to pause and say...
"Ode to my Popeye's" - It really made my day.