Tuesday, January 27, 2009

From Shane:

Ok it's on once again.We've revamped the veggie challenge from last year and are getting ready for a greater challenge in 2009. The votes are in, and we're doing 60 days this time. But it's not just about not eating meat, it's about eating more healthy in general. Our inspiration came when our pastor was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer about a year ago before going on a hard core regimen of fruits and natural products. He just got his 6-month check up last week and the doctors are amazed at how his cancer is gone!fact: dairy products are the # 1 cause for prostate cancer in african american males; That hit home for me since I was chowing down on some good pizza last week watching the game.


But anyway, stay tuned for more updates on the blog. Looking forward to your comments. Feel free to forward to others.