Wassup Family,
Let's do our 30 Day Vegetarian Diet officially. Are you down...
As long as I can remember eating solid foods I’ve been a meat eater. And I did not discriminate either. You name it: ground beef, chicken, salami, steak, turkey, chicken, sausage, hot dogs, chicken, lamb, fish...did I mention chicken!
The old excuse of 'eating good is too expensive' is still true to some extent. But the other side of the game can also hurt the pockets. So now I blame being busy, being ignorant about cooking tofu, blame the convenience of restaurants & supermarkets, etc. So now we'll try to focus that energy on something new. It would be hard to do this on our own, so it's good we have each other. Thanks Jenine for inspiring us to make this big move!
I'm not even quite sure what a vegetarian lifestyle means yet. So I created this the blog a few weeks ahead of time so we can get our game plan on. This way one of us doesn't get caught with a burger in Week II because we didn't research or plan meals properly. We'll need to start things like comparing nutrient sources. For instance, I like to eat the occasional medium-well dripping steak. So I'd like to know exactly how many greens I would need to eat to offset that protein source. I found this so far...
I encourage each of us to post commentary, ideas, suggestions, gripes, complaints, and random thoughts during this entire process. Post recipes, restaurants, snacks, tips, tricks, websites, books - anything and everything healthy and meatless.
Click to subscribe to daily updates, and let's challenge ourselves to put one foot in front of the other and see where it takes us 30 days from Sunday June 1. Be safe, happy, and most of all healthy.