Ok so I'm honestly enjoying the healthier lifestyle we're on; everyone I've spoken to so far has had their own experiences and stories, which has been great.
Some of us are adding more rules to the diet. Some are doing no fish, some are doing no soda, juices or eggs, and some are even doing no candy! I for one opted for no dairy. I figured it wouldn't be that hard for me to get away from milk and its by-products especially since I've come to like to the flavor of soy milk. I only have ice-cream three times a year it seems so the hardest part would be cheese & butter. Man, that was an interesting pizza-free superbowl sunday. But so far so good....until I realized just how many things contain milk.
Did you know milk was in pancake syrup?
Did you know milk was in french fries? (the frozen kind)
Dairy protein may even be in chewing gum, sometimes under the name recaldent, look out for packages that say "whitening", these are likely to have milk.
Ok so this is gonna be a greater challenge than initially thought. These cows are getting me from all angles!!! lol
...oh and why did I choose to give up milk?
So what these cows forgot to say was not only Eat Mor Chikin, but try to avoid their milk too.
So what else are you giving up for the cause?